I have lived in many other places in the UK,and I must say,London is the 2nd worse place I have ever lived here. 2 places actually tie for 1st.
London is a really fucked up place,at best. I view it as the most arrogant 3rd world country on the planet. London has been voted the dirtiest city in europe for the last 3 years straight.
BUT, it has been voted the best city for night life in europe! How does that work?!
Do people like to party in dirt and shit? Are they "slumming it"?! I know of entire neighborhoods in london that literally have nothing but the smell of piss in the breeze.
People actually want to pay money to come to a place like this?!
All countries are full of self-imposed ignorant foreskins(you know,the useless part of a dick),but UK politicians take the cake. They brag about how London is a multi-cultural city. It is that,indeed.
The problem is,they let in every scum-bag piece of shit,just so they can claim that title,and the politicians are proud of this fact. Now, to be fair,you don't get a passport saying "I am a scumbag piece of shit". So,naturally, they do get in. BUT,once they establish themselves as a scumbag piece if shit and are known to the police,some "human rights" group hollars that is their "human right" to be a scumbag piece of shit and you dare not to deport them,or in most cases,arrest them and give more than a slap on the wrist.
There are terrorists,pedophiles,drug runners,gang leaders,people traffickers.. all of these,the police are "watching". WHY?!?! Get their asses out of the fucking country! PERIOD!
Tuck your skirt in,strap on a cock and get the job done! If these so called "human rights" dicks want to argue,send them as well! Yes,people do have human rights. They do NOT have the right to interfere with other humans and NO ONE should have the right to protect them!
Now, what has led me to this particular soapbox session is my own situation.
You see, I am an american living in london and traveling to a place called Gravesend, quite frequently. What came to my attention,almost immediately,is how some of these "cultural" people actually hate and despise americans. There are areas in London and Gravesend that,if I go into a store,I have to write a note to ask for what I want,just so no one will hear me speak!
I have been attacked here. Refused service here. Been called an infidel and spit at.
All because of nothing more than my birth place. I can honestly say I know how a German felt in 1937 trying to make his way in London.
I have come to see americans as being hated by the majority of the world,but the funny thing is,they hate us,but they all want to go to america or,at the very least,they want what we have.
But,being a "lone" american in the UK, I can be attacked. I have been attacked, and there is fuck all I can do about. I can try to ring the police,but I get in trouble because I used chair against 5-10 people. I "used a weapon" as opposed to them using 10 frikken friends!
Not to mention,they all stick together and it is my word against ALL of theirs.
Besides,americans are soft targets. We get deported because we actually are a peace loving culture. We don't lie about and play favorites with it. Hell yes,we fight amongst ourselves,but that is us. We don't turn on others because they are different. A TRUE american welcomes foreign people and cultures. We like to learn from them. Our government does NOT represent the true america. But we are condemned because of a few people in our government.
I really hate the fact that I get spit on because I am american. Especially in this country I call home. I love England. I love the english way of life. But, I get shit on from great heights just because of my nationality.
Currently, I am homeless and sleep on the streets. I have been told to my face that I can't even get into a shelter just because I have no drug problems,no alcohol problems,no mental problems and I don't receive welfare. Even the homeless charities turn you down if they can't make money off you. They supposed to be set up to help people with no money...or at least I thought so. I need a hand UP. Not a hand OUT. I need help getting back on my feet so I can stand once again as a man. Not crawl at the feet of the rich and decadent and beg.
But, the good people of london seem to thrive on that. It gives them something to point at,talk about and make themselves feel better.
With the exception of a small handful of people who can do the bare minimum,no one here wants help. And I am not the only one. I have seen people end up on skid row and their so called friends just walked away. Londoners are your friends,as long as you don't ever need a friend. Once you need help,they can't get away from you fast enough.
Hell,in fact,my first night on the streets, a homeless heroin addict gave me a blanket when,50 feet away,sat a guy in a ferrari just sat watching. The guy who helped me looked at the guy in the ferrari and said "if you need a blanket,I got one for you too". The guy couldn't drive off fast enough.
Only 2 people offered me a roof. They were hours outside london. Everyone here IN london,said they didn't have the room for me to crash. Don't let the fact that the one friend I had over 100 miles away paid my train fare AND put me up on his couch in his house of 7 kids,a dog,2 cats,a guinea pig and 3 adults,all in a 4 bed house,sway your opinion any.
Londons motto should really be "fuck you mate. I'm ok!"
London is all about taking and getting as many toys as you can and fuck everyone else.
I have even seen the "well to do" yell at homeless people just for asking for help. I have NEVER met a homeless person who wasn't willing to work and I have NEVER met a homeless person who asked to be that way. No one wants to sleep on the streets while people just walk by and ignore them. We are people too. We just need help. Sometimes,more than once. But we will get it right,if given the chances we need. Each chance is a learning experience.
Most of the "well to do" in london are athiest. They don't want to believe a higher power could have a hand in their so called success. Guess what? There is a God.
And he is watching.
I am going to end my soapbox session here,for now.......